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CGA-IGC Member Highlight - Christine Drogan, MS, CGC

Updated: May 30

Christine joined the CGA-IGC Mentorship Program as a relatively new genetic counselor, hoping to gain insight on how she could incorporate research into her practice. Christine asked to be paired with a genetic counselor who had experience conducting clinical research studies. Christine wanted to know how she could be more like the genetic counselors whom she admires so greatly.

Here’s what Christine has to say about her experience with the CGA-IGC Mentorship Program thus far:

“The hardest part of the mentorship program was getting started. Guidelines were provided to give us some direction, but as my mentor and I continued talking, our meetings morphed from a traditional mentor-mentee relationship to one that is more collaborative. When we meet every few months, we discuss our research ideas, results from ongoing studies and are planning a collaborative project.

The relationship I have built with my mentor makes me more excited for my first in-person annual meeting in November since completing my training. It will be nice to have one more familiar face!

My advice for people considering being a mentor or a mentee through CGA-IGC – do it! CGA is a wonderful community to be a part of and there are so many exceptionally intelligent and kind people to learn from. You never know what doors a new relationship will open for you.”

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