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The purpose of the CGA-IGC Committees is to foster an environment of collaboration and to offer members greater involvement with the society.

  If you're interested in being a part of a CGA-IGC committee, we put out a call to join committees annually, in the run-up to the annual meeting. If you have any questions, please contact


The Education Committee shapes year-round educational content for CGA-IGC. The education committee’s major projects have included planning and hosting webinars, recording podcasts and posting monthly multi-disciplinary journal scans. Collaboration with other committees on important initiatives, particularly involving DEI issues, is essential. The committee also plans to organize online journal clubs and challenging case discussions. We are looking for creative members enthusiastic about expanding current educational efforts. 

CGA Council Liaisons

Anu Chittenden MS, LGC

Elana Levinson, MS, MPH, CGC


Veroushka Ballester, MD, MS

Pooja Dharwadkar, MD

Vice Chair
Emma  Keel, MS, CGC


Jessica Long, MS, CGC

Josie Baker, MS

Colleen Flahive, MD

Thomas (TJ) Slavin, MD

Joshua Sommovilla, MD

Julie Yang, MD

Sarah Safadi, MD

Kristin Zelley, MS

Ying Liu, MD




The Membership Committee is focused on growing CGA-IGC membership. This committee will work closely with the executive council and other working committees to develop CGA activities that can draw new membership. We welcome members who have leadership positions or connections with multidisciplinary professional scientific societies to facilitate collaborations. New ideas about growing CGA-IGC membership are welcome. 

CGA Council Liaisons

Peter Stanich, MD

Aparajita Singh, MD


Jill Genua, MD

Vice Chair

Shenin Dettwyler, MS, CGC



Thomas Attard, MD 

Carol Burke, MD

Robin Dubin, Pt Advocate

Claudio Heine, MD

Daniel Luba, MD

Douglas Riegert-Johnson, MD

Stephanie Cohen, MS

Candace Peterson, MS

Shenin Dettwyler, MS



The Research Committee is responsible for shaping research programming throughout the year and at the annual meeting. This includes soliciting and reviewing/scoring research abstracts, nominating abstracts for plenary presentations and awards, organizing poster walks at the annual meeting, and organizing collaborative research sessions throughout the year (webinars) and at the annual meeting. The committee also helps collect and curate resources to assist members who are interested in research. Members may also be invited to review grant submissions with the grant review committee. 

CGA Council Liaisons

Bryson Katona, MD, PhD

Beth Yurkovich, MS, MPH, CGC


Sanjeevani Arora, PhD
Vice Chair

Joshua Melson, MD, MA



Francesc Balaguer, MD, PhD, AGAF

Ajay Bansal, MD

Jose Guillem, MD, MPH

Daniel Li, MD

David  Liska, MD, MA

Sarah McGee, MS, CGC

Catie Neumann, BA, LGC

Harsh Sheth, PhD

Leah Biller, MD

William Grady, MD

Holli Loomans-Kropp, PhD, MPH

Angela Arnold Ross, MS, CGC



This committee is focused on promoting CGA-IGC activities via multimedia platforms (social media, website postings, bulletins, lay media press releases). This committee will work closely with the executive council and other working committees to optimize wide promotion of CGA activities. Committee members are responsible for reviewing CGA content (such as webinars, podcasts, journal scans, clinical resources) and providing content summaries that can be used in communications. No experience with social media is required, however members will be required to create a X (Twitter) and LinkedIn account to engage with CGA content. Joining this committee is a great way to improve written/social media communication skills and increase your visibility/presence.

CGA Council Liaisons

Cathryn Koptiuch, MS, CGC

Alicia Latham, MD


Megha Ranganathan, MS, CGC

Vice Chair

Kimberly Hilfrank, MS, MPH, CGC



Nicholas Bartell, MD

Edward Esplin, MD, PhD

Zachariah Foda, MD, PhD

Asaf Maoz, MD

Rita Matos, MSc

Michelle Springer, MS, CGC

Anna Strang, MS, CGC

Chandrika Kurpad, MS, LCGC

Ophir Gilad, MD

Alessandro Manucci, MD

Monika Laszkowska, MD, MS


Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

The JEDI committee is responsible for promoting diversity and inclusiveness throughout the organization, including in its membership, governance and education programming.  Activities include guiding educational content, drafting multimedia communications content (social media, e-blasts, website posts), developing resources to assist members in caring for underserved populations, promoting diversity in the organizations through member programs, and annual meeting planning. 

CGA Council Liaisons

Gregory Idos, MD, MS


Nicolette Rodriguez, MD, MPH

Lauren Gima, MS, CGC

Vice Chair

Timothy Yen, MD



Amie Blanco, MS, GC

Hannah Campbell, BA, LGC

Joanne Jeter, MD

Maria McGreevy, MD

Timothy Yen, MD

Yvonne Cardona, MS, CGC

Nicole Doria, MD

Lauren Sferrazza, MS, LGC

Tara Namey, MS

Meeting Planning

The Meeting Planning Committee is responsible for planning the annual meeting. The committee is led by the current CGA-IGC President and creates the program, suggests invited speakers and helps communicate with speakers and moderators as necessary. Committee members are required to attend the annual meeting and often serve as moderators for the sessions. This committee benefits most from DIVERSITY of members (surgeons, counselors, scientists, gastroenterologists, oncologists). Meeting planning will be done in close communication with Council and the DEI committee. 


Bryson Katona, MD, PhD

Vice Chairs

Peter Stanich, MD

Beth Yurkovich, MS, MPH, CGC



Mohammed Abbass, MD

Rachel Hodan, MS

Gautam Mankaney, MD

Maureen Mork, MS, CGC

Julie Moskowitz, MS, CGC

Maegan Roberts, MS

Dana Zakalik, MD

Lisen Axell, MS, CGC

Jennifer Weiss, MD, MS

Grant Review

The Grant Review Committee is responsible for reviewing and scoring CGA-IGC grant proposals. Committee members are also tasked with tracking grant recipient progress, reviewing no-cost extensions, and approving final reports. Committee members participate in presentation of grant awards at the annual meeting and moderating research sessions for grant recipients. 



Sonia Kupfer, MD

Vice chair

Matthew B. Yurgelun, MD


C. Richard Boland, MD

Heather Hampel, MS, CGC

Maureen MorkMS, CGC

Paul E. Wise, MD

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