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April 2022 Journal Scan now available!


If you're a CGA-IGC member, the April 2022 Journal Scan would have been delivered directly to your email inbox this morning. Enjoy!

Some exciting research taking place in the #HereditaryGICancer space with many highlights from our multidisciplinary global community.

We're delighted to see so many CGA members involved in research and want to take this opportunity to give a special shout out to Eduardo Vilar-Sanchez of the MD Anderson Cancer Center and CGA-IGC Council member who will soon lead a clinical trial of a vaccine to prevent or at least delay Lynch-related cancers. Be sure to read the Taking a shot at cancer article included in this journal scan to learn more about the possibility of a vaccine and the cancer journey and work of Dave Dubin who is also a CGA-IGC Communications & Membership Committee member.

We have an earlier post which points the spotlight on Dave Dubin and his organization's work

If you missed earlier journal scans you can head over to the membership portal and access the previous journal scans.

Interested in having access to this member benefit? Join us!

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21 E State Street  Suite 200
Columbus, OH  43215 

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