Chandrika Kurpad, MS, LCGC- CGA-IGC Communications Committee
February is National Cancer Prevention Month. In recognition of this, CGA-IGC will be sharing information throughout the month to help increase education and awareness. As up to 50% of all cancers can be prevented, sharing this information with colleagues, patients, friends, and family could truly help save lives!
Can you prevent cancer?
The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be over 2 million new
cancer cases in the United States in 2024. The death rate from cancer is falling due to advances in screening, early detection, and treatment, but the number of new cases is rising, and 2024 represents the first time the projected number of new cases is expected to surpass 2 million.
Wouldn’t it be great to prevent cancers before they ever occurred? Studies have shown that 30-50% of all cancer cases are PREVENTABLE! Below are actionable choices that have been shown to reduce cancer risk and possibly even prevent cancer:
Making healthy lifestyle choices:
Exercising, avoiding tobacco, limiting alcohol, eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and protecting skin
Getting vaccinated:
The human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine can help significantly lower cervical cancer risk. The hepatitis B vaccine can lower liver cancer risk.
Getting cancer screening as recommended:
Screening tests are used to try and find cancer before a person has any symptoms. Screening for breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and others may detect cancer early, before it has a chance to spread and when treatment is likely to work best. Up to 75% of colon cancer may be prevented with regular screening and healthy lifestyle choices! Below are recommended ages to begin screening for people at average risk for certain cancers:
·Cervical cancer- all women at age 25
Breast cancer- all women at age 40
Colon cancer- all individuals at age 45
Prostate cancer- discuss pros and cons of screening with your health care provider at age 50
It is important to note that the recommended age to begin screening may differ based on your personal and family history. Discuss the appropriate age to begin screening with your healthcare provider, and stay tuned for our next blog, which will further explore how family history may impact screening recommendations!
For more information about Cancer Facts & Figures 2024, click here
Learn more about Colorectal Cancer Risk Factors here