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#CGAJournalClub on Twitter a Success!


The CGA-IGC Communications Committee hosted an amazingly successful twitter journal club. Check out the #CGAJournalClub thread to catch up on the conversation about pancreatic cancer surveillance in BRCA1/2, ATM and PALB2 patients without a family history of pancreatic cancer.

Not sure how to participate?

Here are a few tips regarding how to engage on Twitter during the next journal club:

  • Create a Twitter account if you do not have one. Be sure to pick a username that colleagues will easily be able to find if they’re looking to connect with you on Twitter.

  • Add a professional headshot and brief bio to your profile.

  • Follow @CGAIGC.

  • Read the selected article in advance.

  • Prepare questions and comments you have for the host in advance (maximum 140 characters per tweet).

  • Be sure to log on to Twitter for the duration of the journal club to ask your questions and respond to others.

  • Monitor comments in real time by searching for #CGAJOURNALCLUB and selecting the “Latest” tab.

  • Include the journal club hashtag and the handle for the person/people you’d like to respond to your question or comment (if applicable).

Can't wait to see you at the next one!

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CGA-IGC PMB 197127420
21 E State Street  Suite 200
Columbus, OH  43215 

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