The CGA-IGC Communications Committee hosted an amazingly successful twitter journal club. Check out the #CGAJournalClub thread to catch up on the conversation about pancreatic cancer surveillance in BRCA1/2, ATM and PALB2 patients without a family history of pancreatic cancer.

Not sure how to participate?
Here are a few tips regarding how to engage on Twitter during the next journal club:
Create a Twitter account if you do not have one. Be sure to pick a username that colleagues will easily be able to find if they’re looking to connect with you on Twitter.
Add a professional headshot and brief bio to your profile.
Follow @CGAIGC.
Read the selected article in advance.
Prepare questions and comments you have for the host in advance (maximum 140 characters per tweet).
Be sure to log on to Twitter for the duration of the journal club to ask your questions and respond to others.
Monitor comments in real time by searching for #CGAJOURNALCLUB and selecting the “Latest” tab.
Include the journal club hashtag and the handle for the person/people you’d like to respond to your question or comment (if applicable).
Can't wait to see you at the next one!